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Have you ever committed to a rigorous exercise program for weeks or even months, only to find yourself unhappy with your weight loss results? If so, then you might have been missing the important nutritional aspect of any sustainable weight-loss program. After all, while exercise is certainly one key component of losing weight, the fact […]
Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out? If so, then it can also be easy to feel spiritually and emotionally weak or defeated. Fortunately, there are some exercises you can follow to increase your spiritual strength and enjoy personal growth in the process. Take Time to Meditate Daily Often times, it can seem nearly impossible […]
These days, it’s no secret that traditional insurance costs are sky-high. And unfortunately, those who cannot afford health insurance through the marketplace may find themselves penalized come tax time as a result. It can be a vicious cycle. Here at Altrua HealthShare, we believe in our faith-based approach to healthcare as an alternative to traditional insurance options. In […]
The idea of saving money on premiums by utilizing Altrua HealthShare is appealing to many people. However, those who are accustomed to health insurance may think that being a “self-pay” patient would make health care expensive and the process too overwhelming. That’s why we have put together a brief guide explaining self-pay through Altrua HealthShare. You will likely find that […]
Altrua HealthShare is an innovative and faith-based health sharing concept that provides an opportunity for people to come together with the same faith and mentality while providing a way to share healthcare needs. While it is not health insurance, Altrua HealthShare provides a method for its members to receive the medical care they need and […]
In the United States, about 77% of the adult population reports that they regularly experience physical symptoms as a result of stress. These symptoms can include anything from fatigue and muscle soreness to headaches, a lack of appetite, and everything in between. If you feel that your health is suffering as a result of stress, […]
There may be some reasons to feel uncomfortable about the insurance mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Some people feel like they are unfairly pushed to purchase a product that they do not want or need. Others feel that, through group insurance, they are forced to throw in their lot with people who do not […]
Fasting is not only good for spiritual reasons but studies show that it’s healthy too. Below are Health reasons we should also honor our body in doing a fast: Intermittent Fasting Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes When we fast, the cells in the body initiate a cellular “waste removal” process called autophagy This involves […]
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare or HR3590, is a healthcare program that was signed into law in March of 2010 and was fully implemented over the next few years—finally reaching full immersion in 2015. The ACA is a complicated piece of legislature—2,409 pages, in fact. As such, understanding everything can be difficult. […]
People often tend to think of mental health as being completely separate from their physical well being. In reality, however, there is a very strong link between a person’s mental well being and their physical health. In other words, those who are in strong mental and emotional health tend to have fewer health problems than […]
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